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 The Poaching Dilemma

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“What is a man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man.” -Chief Seattle


Crocodile leather is a high fashion material commonly used for accessories such as handbags, boots, watch straps, etc. While many of these leather products come from legal farming industries, the demand for such luxury leather articles has never been higher.


It is estimated that annually 100,000 crocodiles or more are illegally killed for this multi-million dollar black market industry.


In areas of crocodile/human conflicts, the illegal mass-killing of crocodiles from people wanting to be rid of their presence is commonplace. Between 1870-1970 approximately 10,000,000 crocodiles were slaughtered worldwide.


10 out of 24 species of crocodilians are now listed as critically endangered, endangered or threatened on the IUCN list for reasons associated with human encroachment and activities.


Through our assistance programs, The Crocodile Foundation utilizes poachers to work for crocodiles rather than against them which ultimately creates a more sustainable existence for both species.

Education not eradication.
